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TOPIC: How do I know if i REALLY passed the test?

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 8 months ago #21342

  • Clara Galbiati
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Hi! I just finished the test. At the end I received a congratulation message, but no score, nothing. Just an alert I would have received an email in 1 to 3 days. Since I was not able to snip that message (PC locked), can I start the celebration or should I wait the mail? Thanks! C

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 8 months ago #21343

  • Harry Elston
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First, congratulations.

You will NOT receive a true "score" (that is, a number) from PMI, but you will received a breakdown of each rubric area in terms of where you are at (e.g. above target, target, below target, needs improvement). The actual "passing" score is a closely held secret at PMI, and, if my suspicions based on standardized testing are correct, will vary slightly from test to test. I don't believe you will get a notification sent to you that the information is available, but you will get an email stating that you passed. You'll have to log in to your PMI dashboard and do the exam analysis.

Again, congratulations. And, yes, start the celebration now.

Harry J. Elston, Ph.D., CIH, PMP
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How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 8 months ago #21370

  • Clara Galbiati
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Thanks Harry! Exactly as you said, I received today the confirmation email from PMI with the link to the test analysis. It went quite good, 4 areas above target and 1 at target. I really need to thank the PrepCast simulator for this result! Indeed, to study, I just used the PMBOK guide edition 6th and the simulator. Simulations made the difference. They helped with the questions (although it is true that the ones of the test are more difficult or maybe just in a different format) and to stay focused for 4 hours.
My advice to who has to take to exam is to keep an eye on the time, 270 minutes really fly. Check the time often (just to adjust your pace, not to make you anxious). As for the whiteboard, I do agree it is not agile to use, but it works. Good luck to the students and thanks to the teachers!C

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 2 months ago #25025

  • Florence Wang
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I've just finished both the exam and the survey online. And I've had the same experience too. I saw a congratulations message and it was too fast before I'd react to take a screen shot. I was expecting to see a test analysis report to confirm if I'd passed the exam. But I didn't see anything and the window was closed. I'm hoping to receive further information from PMI via email in the next few days before I'd actually start celebrating (in a social-distancing way of course) or book another exam before the end of December.
Stay safe!

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 2 months ago #25100

  • MAB
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Same Florence. I literally JUST finished the exam, saw the congratulations as Clara described and was PUMPED. Ten minutes later and now can't determine if it was congratulating me on passing or simply taking the exam. If you DON'T pass, does it say something different? Want to know sooner than later...

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25199

  • Florence Wang
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Hi Mab, congrats on passing the exam as well! Well, I took my exam on Dec. 8th. I finally got an email notification at around 1am to learn that I'd check my scores on PearsonVue. A few days later, I got an email to claim a digital badge which can be used on Linkedin or email signature. Today (Dec. 14), I saw a digital certificate of PMP issued by PMI which I'd download and share with potential employers. Maybe you'd check. your inbox one or two days later for more Christmas gifts. Cheers!

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25228

  • Shaojun Gao
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I just had this surreal experience with the PMP exam.
Good news is that the screen shows that " Congratulations" and I alsothe provided some feedback.
The weird thing is there are only 89 questions for the 1st half (2 hours) and there are 111 questions for the 2nd half. I had to rush to get the 2nd part done on time.
Of course, I had more than enough time for the 1st half.

Should PMI knows how to do scheduling and load balancing?

Just to share this experience with the folks here.

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25263

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Hi. I got the same message. But my problem got worse. The system stops and gave me error message. I did not get my result on the spot as promised but the PC just restarted. Now, I made a complain to the test center and also Pearson Vue for this problem. They said it will take a few days up to one week to settle this.

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25303

  • Jacquelin Marks
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I had the same experience. Does the congratulations message mean you passed or is it just congratulating you on finishing the exam?

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25334

  • Deneen Cook
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I'm so relieved to see others questioned the 'Congratulations' message after ending the exam. I read it multiple times, did a sitting happy dance a few times and then exited the screen to the survey. After a while I was wondering if I really did pass or if it was just thanking me for attempting the exam. Also, I had 88+/- questions only in the first half, too. I thought that was odd, but glad others had the same experience. Regardless, I had plenty of time to finish the exam. And the bathroom break was needed.

The PM PrepCast exam simulator was the key to my success. I'm so glad I choose it over the other offerings from other providers.

I did read online that there is a Condolence message if you didn't pass. I hope that is the case

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25475

  • Stephanie McLeod
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I just finished my PMP exam and I got the congratulations message stating that I would get an email in 1-3 business days. I did the PMI survey and was waiting for the browser to close. I got a white screen that said "browser closing" with the proctor window still open. Nothing happened and after a while a computer error came up saying that the program (OnVue) was taking long to respond. Then another error came up with OnVue giving me the option to relaunch or end exam. I figured since I finished the exam, got the congratulatory message and completed the survey that I should end the exam.

I am freaking out because I'm not sure whether I can celebrate or not. Does this mean that I passed? I have not gotten the email yet.

This was a horrible experience using OnVue. I had to reschedule yesterday because of errors and my exam took 2.5 hours to start today.
Last edit: by Stephanie McLeod.

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25511

  • Sudhakar
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HIi, So did you receive any email confirmation within 1-3 days? Also, did this information got updated on your PMI Dashboard. I am sailing in the same boat, as I received the congratulaion mesdage, however not sure as it was for taking the exam or clearing that.

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25512

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I took the test today and received the congratulations message. Afterwards I took the survey and closed the exam. It also said that I will receive an email notification in 1-3 days. Did you guys received the information in 1-3 days? Also how long it took to for information to get updated on Dashboard? I am a bit apprehensive that whether that “Congratulations” message was for completing the exam or clearing that?

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25555

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This happened to me too!! I am freaking out. Did they get back to you yet?

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25570

  • Abang Annuar Ehsan
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HI. I have finally received my result after Pearson Vue resolved my problem. It took them one week. I am happy to say that I passed my PMP exam. Yes, if you received the Congratulation message on your CBT at the exam center, that meant you have passed.

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25658

  • PV
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Took the test today and got congratulations message. So gone to PearsonVue dashboard to see if it’s updated there. It has a wired message saying I missed the Checkin window so exam is unavailable. I’m freaking out now. Did I pass? Or is it just a tech glitch?

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25714

  • Elizabeth Harrin
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PV, I don't know the definitive answer to your question, but what I'd guess is that the dashboard is for people who haven't yet taken the exam. You've "missed the check in window" because your exam date has passed, therefore the exam is unavailable to you (because you have already taken it). Check the PMI website instead. If you got the congrats message, you passed :)
Elizabeth Harrin

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How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 4 years 1 month ago #25785

  • Vivek Gupta
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I do see the score sheet on pearsonvue website. Go to their site, log in with PMI credentials and under My Account -> View Score Report.
I did not check earlier but after waiting for a confirmation email for a few hours (Which I am still waiting) I found my result there. I am not sure though if that result was available immediately after the result.

[email protected] 4 years 1 month ago #25813

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You are right, Vivek. I observed the same congrats message and screen went away after ending exam. As you suggested, I do see my score report on the PearsonVue PMI my account and I see it PASS !!!. am happy and relieved now :)


How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 2 years 11 months ago #29126

  • Tina Hove
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the same thing just happened to me. do we think i passed? did congrats mean i passed or did it just tahnk me for taking the test? i'm so confused and my brain hurts and i can't figure out if i passed or not. ugh so annoying HELP! :(

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 2 years 11 months ago #29127

  • Cornelius Fichtner
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Based on recent discussions with my students:
- Congratulations means that you have passed
- You should receive a confirmation email from Pearson within a few hours

Would you please update us here and tell us what communications you actually received after this experience? Would be good to know for the future and other students.
Until Next Time,
Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM
President, OSP International LLC

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 2 years 9 months ago #29284

  • S Ravi Shankar
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Same problem. Got confused

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 2 years 7 months ago #29537

  • Shashwat Srivastava
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HI ,
Completed my exam a week back but have not received any email or confirmation on completion from Pearson vue. Which checking online its giving me error "This application has encountered an unexpected problem. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please click the previous button to try again.".
Anyone has also faced the same ?
Tried contacting PMI also but that is also of not much help.
I dont know if I passed the test or not ?


[email protected] 1 year 11 months ago #30289

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Yes, it's true.
I took my exam today (Feb 24, 2023) and got the "Congratulations! You have earned the PMP certification!" message after the exam. However, I was confused whether the message just to congratulate me completing the exam or it meant I passed. A few hours later, I got an email from PearsonVUE with the link to PMI for my score and overall Performance. I passed with T/AT/AT for People/Business/ Process.

Congratulations to all who got the message of "Congratulations" after taking exam. It did mean you passed!

[email protected] 1 year 11 months ago #30319

  • Daniel Soerensen
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I think it would be really cruel for PMI to have a Congratulatory message for failing the exam. I'd assume anyone who gets the "Congratulations!" at the end of the exam passed. Does anyone here know what message you get when you fail the exam?
Daniel Soerensen, PMP, CSPO

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 3 months 1 week ago #31765

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Hi I just finished the exam and while signing out they give a paper with congratulations but it’s written that based on the preliminary assessment of your recent examination results you have successfully passed the examination. Congratulations on this achievement.
But also this score report in provisional and subject to further review and verification. While you have met the minimum passing requirements. We are currently undergoing a thorough evaluation of the examination results to ensure the accuracy and integrity.
Shall I celebrate ?

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 3 months 1 week ago #31766

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For me they give a paper with congratulations on your achievement but it’s written that the score report is provisional. And subject to further review and verification.
What ? I celebrate it or what

How do I know if i REALLY passed the test? 3 months 1 week ago #31771

  • Elena Zelenevskaia
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That's how PMI handles this nowadays. You’ll receive an official email from them with your test score and overall result. The chances that you passed are very high, and based on other folks' comments, no one has reported failing the exam after receiving the congratulatory message.
Elena Zelenevskaia, PMP
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