Prepare for and pass your PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam
Prepare for and pass your PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam

The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS

“How To Pass The PMI-ACP® Exam And Become A PMI Agile Certified Practitioner.”
The Agile PrepCast Elite gives you the “agility” you need to succeed on your PMI-ACP exam, and makes the agile agile principles, methods, and approaches required for passing seem like second nature...
“How To Pass The PMI-ACP® Exam And Become A PMI Agile Certified Practitioner.”
The Agile PrepCast Elite gives you the “agility” to succeed on your PMI-ACP exam, and helps you master the agile principles, methods, and approaches you need...
“How To Pass The PMI-ACP® Exam And Become A PMI Agile Certified Practitioner.”
The Agile PrepCast Elite gives you the “agility” you need to succeed on your PMI-ACP exam, and makes the agile principles, methods, and approaches required for passing seem like second nature...
Flash Sale: Get 50% Off All PMI-ACP Products!

Here's how The Agile PrepCast helps you ACE the PMI-ACP Exam:

Learn by watching video-based training to master the Knowledge, Tasks, and Skills that are not taught in regular agile project management classes... but which you’d better know if you want to pass the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® exam.
Video lessons
Understand agile principles, methods, and approaches and know them like they are second nature when working on or leading agile teams. The exam uses The Agile Practice Guide and 12 other books as their primary reference. Your in-depth knowledge and understanding of these agile concepts help you spot the correct answer. This gets you ready for the next step:
Prepare with 480 Realistic PMI-ACP Exam Sample Questions. The PrepCast Elite comes with 90-Day Access to The PM Exam Simulator, which gives you the most realistic and up-to-date exam sample questions on the market. This is just like on the real exam.
Re-Imagined to Ensure You're Ahead on Exam Day. The Agile PrepCast was designed and built using an Agile mindset but without ever losing sight of the current exam specifications. Get over one-hundred exam-relevant video lessons with the course. Achieve the deep conceptual understanding of agile tools, techniques, knowledge, and skills, that is required for the exam.
Skip Reading The 12 PMI-Recommended Reference Books because we've done it for you and digested them into our video lessons. Unlike other "online courses", this is NOT rehashed classroom training – it's designed with exam focus as an online course to get you studying exam concepts as much as possible from day 1. We've done the reading so you don't have to.
Study Fast
We are a trusted and experienced education provider. A proven training course that over 60,000 project managers trust worldwide. Since 2008, we have helped thousands of students attain the coveted PMP certification. We can say in all confidence that this is attainable for your project managers as well."
Track Your Progress Throughout the Lessons. The Learning Management System (LMS) will automatically track which lessons you have/have not visited and a progress bar shows you where you are. It’s easy to return and refresh your knowledge whenever you need to do so. Jump back (or forward) to any lesson you want at any time.
Track your Progress
Download All Lessons to Your Phone or Tablet. As an agile project manager, you are always on the go and need to be able to use every available minute to study. That's not a problem because The Agile PrepCast is a full-featured podcast: Just install a podcast app on your phone and then download every single video lesson right into your pocket!
Ironclad 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. We’re so convinced The Agile PrepCast is the most practical and effective exam prep course of its kind that it comes with an ironclad guarantee. If you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason whatsoever we will gladly provide you with a prompt and courteous refund – no questions asked.
The Agile PrepCast comes with 5+ additional bonus items that are designed to help you plan and start your exam studies in the right way and keep you motivated with success in mind.
Certificate for 21 Contact Hours. After completing the course material, you’re eligible to take our Final Exam. Once you pass the quiz, you’ll receive a Certificate that satisfies the PMI requirement for 21 Contact Hours of training in agile practices. But more than that, you are now also a better project manager.
PrepCast Certificate

When it comes to PMI-ACP Exam Training you have a choice...

You can either read all 12 PMI-recommended reference books, while also struggling to use free, inadequate and out-of-date exam materials, never knowing if what you are studying is actually going to help you pass. Or you can sign-up for a training program that is professionally developed by a trusted and experienced education provider, and you will have the guarantee that many others before you have succeeded.

With The Agile PrepCast, you are making the right choice.

The course has been used by over 4,251+ students so far, and its current version has been updated to the most current exam standards by a team of six certified project managers. You really can't go wrong!

Please read this entire page and you will come to the conclusion that The Agile PrepCast is the right fit for you...

Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM
The Agile PrepCast Creator,
President, OSP International LLC

The Agile PrepCast Comes in Three Versions: Basic, Elite and Elite PLUS:

The Agile PrepCast was first launched in 2012 with the goal of providing high-quality but low-cost training to agile practitioners and project managers preparing for their exam. We have continuously updated it to stay in tune with the latest in available technology, the ever-increasing difficulty, as well as several updates of the PMI-ACP exam policies. We invest a lot of time and effort into helping you pass, and you can select from one of two current and updated versions:

The Agile PrepCast Basic is our flagship agile exam training program. Watch best-in-class training lessons as you confidently prepare for your PMI-ACP exam.
In addition to the training lessons, this package gives you 90-day access to The PM Exam Simulator so you can practice what you have learned.
Elite PLUS
The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS includes everything from the Basic and Elite, as well as The PM StudyCoach Guidebooks for PMI-ACP. This is your fully loaded exam prep package.

The Agile PrepCast Elite is our most popular agile training product. And even though the Elite is recommended for most students, we start by reviewing what you get with The Agile PrepCast Basic:

What You Get - And What The Agile PrepCast Basic Will Do for You...

When you're taking the PMI-ACP exam, you'll always get a few of the same questions over and over...

... What should the agile practitioner do?

... What should the agile practitioner do first/next?

... What is the best course of action?

... What tool or technique does the agile practitioner use in this scenario?

... What agile technique is described in this situation?

... What should the agile practitioner have done differently to avoid this situation?

So how can you gain the knowledge to answer questions like these? Well, when you not only study but instead master PMI-ACP exam concepts with The Agile PrepCast you have ADVANCED your knowledge, and you automatically give yourself a significantly better chance of being certified on your first try.

And as you probably already know, the PMI-ACP exam is not an easy exam and passing it requires commitment and dedication throughout your studies.

The Agile PrepCast gives you a 'best-in-class' training, and you gain advanced-level knowledge via video-based lessons so that you can confidently answer questions similar to the ones above.

What's Inside the Latest Version of the Course?

The Agile PrepCast Elite has now helped 4,251+ project managers in 94+ countries to study and prepare for their PMI-ACP exam. And passing the exam has earned them the respect of their peers and opened doors.

We spent over a year with our ear to the ground, analyzing every comment, every feedback survey response, and every support email to uncover what PrepCast students want most from our course. We also read the complete PMI-ACP Exam Content Outline and the PMI-recommended reference books, including the new Agile Practice Guide.

Here's what we discovered, how online training has changed, and what our students expect from a solid PMI-ACP exam prep training:

The World Has Changed... And we've Adapted Everything for You!

Studying from anywhere and anytime is the norm. Our students tell us that -- in the true spirit of Agile -- they are preparing for their exam whenever and from wherever they have the opportunity. In the car or bus as they are commuting to work, at their office desk during lunch, at the gym while they are working out, and of course also home whenever they have a moment.
We are always online using our phone or tablet to study. The devices in our pockets have become the way we communicate, connect and now also how we study. This means you are going to want to be able to download our training lessons right to your phone -- just like a podcast -- so you have them at your fingertips.
The 12 PMI-Recommended Reference Books are too much to read, so you need a course that makes their content easily accessible and explains it in everyday language. And with examples that make sense.
Agile practices are constantly evolving and regularly added to the PMI-ACP exam so you need an exam prep course that recognizes and includes these trends through updates in its lessons.
Self-testing is also crucial in an exam that is getting harder and harder to pass. The 'new' PMI-ACP exam is hard to pass unless you practice using realistic simulated exams.

In response to these changes, we adjusted the current version of The Agile PrepCast Elite to meet the needs of today's mobile student and to ensure that you are better prepared for your PMI-ACP Exam.

You'll learn the concepts you're tested on during the exam. Either download all PrepCast video lessons directly to your phone and watch them offline or log on to our Learning Management System (LMS) from anywhere in the world and follow along the suggested learning path. Step by step.

Take a Look at What You'll Get
Immediately After Signing Up...

Here's what The Agile PrepCast course gives you:

Module 01: Agile Introduction & Overview

To start you out on the right path to your certification we review The Agile Manifesto, The Declaration of Interdependence and learn about one of the most important aspects of agile project management: The Agile Mindset.

Module 02: Agile Frameworks and Methods

Scrum, Lean and Kanban immediately come to mind when thinking about exam-relevant agile frameworks and methods. However, we also give you an introduction to Extreme Programming, DSDM, FDD and Crystal to complete your understanding of the topic.

Module 03: Agile Communications Concepts

Agile communication differs slightly from communication on traditional projects by emphasizing simplicity, directness, and face-to-face conversations. So we look at how to communicate with Stakeholders and discuss team communication from the perspective of both colocated and distributed teams as well as agile team building.

Module 04: Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting Concepts

In this module, we review the adaptive concepts by looking at how this is done on agile projects (both explicitly and implicitly) during initiation, execution, planning, and monitoring. We include a special emphasis on how to ensure that stakeholders stay involved in the project throughout its duration.

Module 05: Agile Estimation Concepts

At the end of this module, you will have seen how most agile frameworks include some form of estimation, often in the form of the relative size of stories in terms of effort and time. The goal is to identify the highest priority stories from the product backlog and 'package' them into in a single sprint.

Module 06: Agile Analysis and Design Concepts

The agile analysis and design portion introduces you to the agile product roadmap, user stories/backlog, story maps, progressive elaboration, wireframes, agile project chartering, personas and agile modeling. Though important this is one of our shorter modules.

Module 07: Agile Product Quality Concepts

Most agile methods start out with quality as a core tenet. This is why we discuss this topic in two broad categories: organic and overt quality concepts. You will also learn about advanced quality concepts for process improvement and product quality tools.

Module 08: Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts

Any project, no matter if agile or waterfall, has competing constraints, which leads to tension. Being able to negotiate the appropriate win-win between the team and customers is at the core of this topic. We introduce you to the long list of soft-skills needed.

Module 09: Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts

"Through this work, we have come to value"..." is a core statement from the Agile Manifesto. And in this module, we learn how to translate the agile values into a means for prioritizing the work. We review both basic and advanced concepts.

Module 10: Agile Risk Management Concepts

Just like quality, risk is a core tenet of agile methods. It permeates throughout many of our lessons but warrants to be called out in its own module. It includes the risk-adjusted backlog, risk burn-down charts and risk-based spikes. We devote a full lesson just to the latter.

Module 11: Agile Metrics Concepts

We divided metrics into three lessons: general metrics, variance & trend analysis as well as advanced concepts. You will learn about velocity, cycle time, earned value management (EVM) for agile projects and escaped defects.

Module 12: Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

A value stream is a series of steps that agile projects employ to build solutions that provide a continuous flow of value to a customer. We learn to eliminate work that provides no value, observe the flow of materials and info, be as objective as possible and make any mandatory “non-value added” processes more efficient.

Module 13: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

The Project Management Institute has defined a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that all PMI-certified project managers are expected to adhere to when working on and managing projects. The Code addresses moral, ethical and cultural competencies. It is required knowledge for every PMI exam.

Module 14: Exam Content Outline

The PMI-ACP Exam is a meticulously developed exam, and this module introduces you to its Exam Content Outline which represents the "blueprint" for the exam. Every skill, concept or knowledge you need for the exam is described in this outline and reviewed in these lessons.

Module 15: Interviews with Successful Exam Takers

This module includes three audio-only interviews with project managers who have successfully passed their PMI-ACP exam. Learn from their experience and adopt their best practices for yourself. In one of these interviews, you'll even learn what it feels like to have your application audited by PMI.

Module 16: Applied Concepts

If you ever wondered how the agile concepts you studied are applied in real life then this module is for you. You'll learn about agile and portfolio management, how agile scales to the enterprise, how it can be used in consumer goods development, and get introduced to a process that helps you select if agile or waterfall is better for your next project.


The modules of The Agile PrepCast are modeled in a logical way to ensure that all agile principles, methods, and approaches are covered in your training lessons.

The lessons of The Agile PrepCast have been verified to contain all knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques that are mentioned in the PMI-ACP Examination Content Outline. And because it's in the exam outline it means that you will very likely see questions about it on your actual exam.

... and we also included additional training material that you will need. This complements the training material, which is explicitly mentioned in the PMI-recommended reference books. But we know from experience, student feedback, and lessons learned analysis that additional concepts are often needed for the exam but not specifically called out anywhere. But The Agile PrepCast has them for you!


Increase your chance of passing the PMI-ACP Exam with real-world examples to help you truly understand the PMI-ACP exam concepts. You will know what to expect on the exam. Plus, our course makes you a better project manager, too.

Review the material from the reference books in an approachable, engaging and sometimes even entertaining fashion.

Get into The Agile Mindset allowing you to be able to answer agile questions more easily and confidently.

Maximize your day by studying anywhere your phone or tablet goes. For instance on your drive to work, when you are outside riding your bike, or watch a lesson over lunch, as you are sitting on the bus or when you are waiting in line at the post office.

Gain Official Recognition of Your Training with The Agile PrepCast Certificate for 21 Contact Hours

Two weeks after your purchase you'll be eligible to take The Agile PrepCast Final Exam. Once you answer at least 17 of 25 exam-style questions correctly you'll receive a personalized certificate for 21 contact hours with your name and the date you passed:


With this certificate, issued by a trusted and experienced education provider, you are now able to submit your PMI-ACP application, take the exam and put those six coveted letters "PMI-ACP" behind your name.

Add PrepCast BASIC to cart

$229 for PrepCast Basic. Upgrade to PrepCast Elite for only $50 more, or Elite PLUS for $100 more.

arrow left Access Your Training Instantly arrow right

The entire Agile PrepCast course is delivered online - no deliveries to wait on and worry about, and you get instant access when you sign up. You also get FREE updates as they're released.

Once your PrepCast order is complete, you'll receive an email with login instructions - follow the simple instructions and you'll be able to access all the video lessons immediately. This email also includes instruction on how to download the complete Agile PrepCast to your phone using a podcast app.

Hear What Our Students Have to Say About Their Results with The Agile PrepCast

At last count, over 4,331+ project managers from around the world and from every conceivable industry have used The Agile PrepCast to master the knowledge and concepts needed to successfully prepare for their PMI-ACP exam.

Take a look at what some of them have to say (these are actual unedited student reviews and testimonials):

A Wonderful Experience - Passed with Flying Colors!
I Strongly Recomment The Agile PrepCast and Simulator
Very Easy to Use - Enjoyed This Course
The Agile PrepCast is The Better Way
The Agile PrepCast was my First Choice - Thank You Cornelius!
I Highly Recomment The Agile PrepCast To Everyone
Precise Explanations Provide Exam Confidence
Glad I Purchased - Cleared My Exam
A Must See
Easy to Understand - You Will Learn So Much

Our Customized Learning Management System (LMS) Is Your Roadmap To Fast Understanding

Insert annotated screen shot from LMS
Insert annotated screen shot from LMS
Insert annotated screen shot from LMS

Here's a sample video from The Agile PrepCast Elite (Module 1 The Declaration of Interdependence), so you can see for yourself exactly what you get:

The first minute of this free lesson is a quick "preamble" that features the podcast functionality. Feel free to fast forward over that.

Please note that The Agile PrepCast Basic, Elite, or Elite PLUS do not include lesson transcripts. Just the video lessons.

Here's a sample video from The Agile PrepCast Elite (Module 2 Scrum & Agile Defined Part 1), so you can see for yourself exactly what you get:

The first minute of this free lesson is a quick "preamble" that talks about how you will master the concepts by using The Agile PrepCast. Feel free to fast forward over that.

Please note that The Agile PrepCast Basic, Elite, or Elite PLUS do not include lesson transcripts. Just the video lessons.

Find Answers To Your Exam-Related Questions In The Forum


Here’s The Full Run-Down of Everything You Get In The Agile PrepCast Basic

Introductory Agile Lessons to ensure that you understand the fundamentals of Agile. In particular, these lessons discuss The Agile Manifesto, The Declaration of Interdependence, and The Agile Mindset.
Intro to Agile
Review of Nine Agile Frameworks because Scrum is not all there is. You also learn about Extreme Programming, Kanban, Lean, DSDM, FDD, Chrystal and more.
Focus on Agile Concepts. In nine modules you learn about Agile communication, planning, estimating, quality, soft skills, prioritization, risk management, metrics, and value stream analysis. These lessons give you the core knowledge you need in order to pass your PMI-ACP exam.
See Agile In Action by reviewing the applied concepts lessons, in which you'll hear from Agile practitioners as they discuss how the theory stacks up on real-life projects.
Ethics Permeates all Projects and you should consider the Code of Ethics before you answer your exam questions. We introduce you to the code in our in-depth lessons.
Instant Access as soon as you sign up because everything is delivered online through our Learning Management System - no shipping charges or trips to the post office required. You'll even be able to watch the first lesson without signing in at all!
Download all Lessons to Your Phone. You also have the option to install a free or premium podcast app on your phone (or tablet) and download all lessons right into your pocket so that you can maximize your day and study whenever and wherever you are. Even when you're offline.
Free Access and Free Updates until the Exam changes. Access any new and updated lessons of The Agile PrepCast (Second Edition) until PMI publishes a new PMI-ACP Examination Content Outline and updates the exam to these new guidelines.

Want Even More Details?

Download Our PDF Course Description and Lesson Directory

Here’s What Will Happen Within Minutes Of You Signing Up

Once you sign up, you’ll immediately have access to the 100+ instructional video lessons, 50 sample questions, and bonus items. You'll have the option of either accessing the lessons online or use a free podcast app to download them to your phone.

This is a comprehensive and proven approach to passing the PMI-ACP exam, at the best price, and with the best guarantee. This is as risk-free as an offer can come.

In fact, the ONLY risk is that you might try and take the PMI-ACP exam without having taken this course - and the candidate next to you has.

Get The Agile PrepCast Basic...

Add PrepCast BASIC to Cart

$229 for PrepCast Basic.

... OR ...

... Take the Next Step to Become PMI-ACP Certified:

The questions on The PMI-ACP Exam have become a lot more situational in recent years.

It used to be enough to take a training course, answer a few sample questions and you would be ready to pass. No more! Questions on the exam have become more situational, vague, and they are also very nuanced.

This means that you must not only get training but you must also get comfortable with the type and style of questions to expect on the exam using an online simulator. Therefore:

We Recommend That You Sign Up For The Agile PrepCast Elite or Elite PLUS Instead!

The Agile PrepCast Elite includes both the basic training as well as our full-featured PMI-ACP Exam Simulator.

And The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS also gives you access to The PM StudyCoach Guidebooks for PMI-ACP.

The Elite PLUS is your most complete package!

What You’ll Get As Our
Newest PrepCast Elite Student

PrepCast Elite Includes EVERYTHING from PrepCast Basic. So you'll not only be trained to master the Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Techniques you need for the exam but instead, you'll be able to take it a lot further with all of the benefits below!
Complete PrepCast
Apply Your Knowledge Just Like on the Real Exam. Nowadays, taking the best exam prep training doesn't automatically mean exam success. With the PrepCast Elite, however, you get a chance to apply your knowledge just like you will have to on the real exam.
Knowledge application
Get comfortable with the same types of questions you'll see on the exam. Our team has spent a lot of effort reviewing lessons learned from other students to glean the latest types, styles and difficulty levels you will encounter on the exam. For you, this means you'll get almost 500 representative, up-to-date exam sample questions to practice on.
Realistic questions
Turn mistakes into a learning opportunity. Each question in the exam simulator comes with detailed explanations for every answer choice. This means that if you get a question wrong you can 'turn lemons into lemonade' by reading the expert explanations and learning from it for next time.
Detailed explanations
You're Not Alone -- Use Live Feedback™ Whenever You Are Stuck. If after reading the detailed answer explanations you still don't understand why you got the wrong answer, then our expert help is only a click away. Just ask using the Live Feedback™ button. It's free!
Live Feedback
Track how you are improving and identify your weak areas. Answering hundreds of questions is great but being able to see that you 'rock' in Scope Management but need help with Procurement is the real value here. Use the in-depth statistics to drive your study focus.
Simulator statistics
No Time Wasted: Study Now and Practice Later. If you are like most then you probably want to first go through the training but wait with your simulated exams until later. No problem! The 90-day simulator access countdown only starts when you take your first exam. You won't lose or waste a single day until you are ready.
Simulator Start

But wait...! There's even more with The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS:

PrepCast Elite PLUS Includes EVERYTHING from PrepCast Basic and PrepCast Elite. So you'll be trained to master the Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Techniques you need for the exam and you also have access to the best PMI-ACP exam simulator.
Complete PrepCast
Know what and how to study. Day after day! The PM StudyCoach™ Guidebooks for PMI-ACP that are included in the Elite PLUS package are your GPS to the PMI-ACP Exam. The Guidebooks will step you through a step-by-step PMI-ACP study plan. Make progress towards your certification goal by following our simple plan for your PMI-ACP exam prep studies.
PMP Guidebooks

And let’s make it EVEN EASIER for you to try The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS today...

You Also Get 5 Bonus Items That
Provide Valuable Information To Pass The Exam
A $97 Value - Yours Completely Free.

Our students have told us time and again that studying for the PMI-ACP exam means that you must understand agile fundamentals, as well as "get into" the agile mindset. It also means eight to twelve weeks of hard studies. And in order to reach the finish line you need two things:

  1. You have to start your studies pointing in the right direction -- otherwise, you will miss the finish line
  2. You need clarity and guidance on agile essentials -- otherwise, you will never reach the finish line

So pictures this...

At the start of your journey toward the PMI-ACP exam, we will point you in the right direction. We have prepared a series of 10 articles on agile cornerstones in which we go over the basics so you're starting off with the correct understanding.

And once you have started your journey - your marathon - we will stick by your side. Not only by providing the actual training lessons, but also by answering your questions in the forum and through Live Feedback.

And that's how you will succeed.

Here are the five bonus items that ALL students receive:

Bonus Item: 10 Cornerstones of Agile - Email Course

In this 10-part email course, we take you step-by-step through the 10 most important cornerstones of Agile Project Management on your road to becoming certified. With each daily email, you get an in-depth discussion of an important aspect of Agile. This email course is very valuable for you as a PMI-ACP Aspirant.

Bonus Item: Access to our Exam Discussion Forums

We've mentioned this before but it's worth mentioning again, because wouldn't it be great if you had a question about the exam that you could go and ask a trusted source? That is what our exam forums are for. Ask a question and your fellow students or an expert will help you.

Bonus Item: Advanced PMI® Exam Strategies - Email Course

In this 5-part email course, we introduce you in detail to the all-important multiple choice test taking strategies for PMI® Exams. We review the types of questions that you must expect and be ready to answer on the real exam, tell you how to develop your own strategy for approaching this multi-hour long exam, and give you the steps necessary as you are getting ready to leave home to take the exam on exam day.

Bonus Item: Sample Exam Score Worksheet

The Exam Score Worksheet allows you to keep track of how many questions you answer correctly in your practice exams. Just record all your first attempts at taking a practice exam in here to see how you are doing. It's a great way of monitoring your progress as you are taking one sample exam after the other and seeing how you improve over time.

Bonus Item: Contact Hours Worksheet

It is a PMI® requirement that you receive training in agile practices before you can apply for your exam. PMI® calls these training hours "Contact Hours" and you need 21 of them. Do you have enough? This worksheet not only helps you tally the hours and ensure that you meet the requirements, it also includes a substantial FAQ section that explains everything you need to know about Contact Hours in easy to understand language.
Flash Sale: Get 50% Off All PMI-ACP Products!

Here Is A Summary Of The Three Versions

Here is an executive summary of the three PrepCast Versions.


Master the skills, knowledge, tools and techniques required for passing the PMI-ACP Exam through high-quality video lessons, either online or on your phone or tablet.

  • Full-featured PMI-ACP training course
  • Recorded, video-based lessons
  • 21 contact hours certificate
Select BASIC

Apply your knowledge to 480 realistic PMI-ACP exam sample exam questions. Track both your progress and weak areas. Get free help from Live Feedback™.

  • 90-day simulator access
  • 480 questions in 6 exams
  • Unlimited simulator exam repeats
Select Elite
Elite PLUS

This package is your ticket to passing the exam. It is the most complete PMI-ACP prep training package and includes everything from both the PrepCast Basic and PrepCast Elite package, plus:

  • PM StudyCoach Guidebooks for PMI-ACP
Select Elite PLUS

The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS includes everything from the Basic and Elite. It is recommended for most students.

All products are updated to the latest PMI-ACP Exam specifications. All products include free email courses and online forum access. Our products are highly rated and developed by a team of certified project managers.

So... Are You Ready to Take That Next Step to Becoming PMI-ACP Certified?

You can start reading the 12 PMI-recommended reference books and hope they are sufficient exam prep... good luck to you there...

Or you can confidently use The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS to help you understand and put into context all the concepts you really need in order to pass, including a first-rate online simulator.

I know you'll make the right choice.

Click here now to gain instant access to The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS and
boost your chances to become PMI-ACP certified.

To YOUR success,

Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM
The Agile PrepCast Creator,
President, OSP International LLC

P.S. If you are seeking to gain an edge in your studies preparing for the PMI-ACP Exam, this course will give you that edge.

It will give you the lessons you need to master the knowledge, skills, tools and techniques you must know for your PMI-ACP exam. You may still want to read the Agile Practice Guide from PMI, but this course not only helps you understand what you read but also gives you everything not covered in the guide. Enroll now and you'll have access to everything in just a few short minutes.

P.P.S. We've also made available THREE sample training videos from the hundreds of lessons in the full course below. Click any of the images to view the corresponding lesson:

Sample 1: Declaration of Interdependence

Sample 1: Declaration of Interdependence

Sample 2: Scrum Method Overview

Sample 2: Scrum Method Overview

Sample 3: Lean Software Development

Sample 3: Lean Software Development

Please note that The Agile PrepCast Basic, Elite or Elite PLUS do not include lesson transcripts. Just the video lessons.

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$229 for PrepCast Basic. Upgrade to PrepCast Elite for $279, or Elite PLUS for $329
100% Ironclad 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Upgrade To The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS and Save $58
Over Individual Products

With The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS, You Get Our Exam Training, Online Exam Simulation, and PMI-ACP StudyCoach Guidebooks in One Discounted Package.

PrepCast logo icon

The Agile PrepCast Basic

Complete PMI-ACP Exam Training
with 100+ Video-Based Lessons

Value $229

sim logo icon

The PM Exam Simulator

Realistic Online Exam Simulation
on 480 Sample Questions

Value $99

PrepCast logo icon

StudyCoach Guidebooks

Step-by-step guidance
on how and what to study

Value $59

Together they provide you with PMI-ACP exam prep training and give you the ability to test your knowledge on hundreds of exam prep question. You'll not only have access to all bonus items that come with both courses but most importantly you will feel much better prepared to tackle the exam.

Trusted education provider icon

Trusted Education Provider

Trusted education provider icon

Live Feedback in Simulator

Trusted education provider icon

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

Purchased separately, you would pay $387 for this package. But you can save $58 today by investing in The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS for just $329 - and cover your complete training and exam prep needs!

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Price $387 $329 (Save $58)

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®

Course: The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS Add to cart
30-Day Ironclad
Money-Back Guarantee
Course: The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS Add to cart
Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS Add to cart