
Reply: Definition of reverse shadowing

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Topic History of : Definition of reverse shadowing

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4 years 11 months ago #18223


's Avatar

Same exactly happened to me. I got the answer wrong!
5 years 1 month ago #17736

Ashvini K. Chhabra

Ashvini K. Chhabra's Avatar

Thanks Joe. I had also browsed knowledgemaverick & wikipedia for the reverse shadowing/mentoring definition. Around 4 to 5 months ago, I came across 1 question where a junior employee being observed by senior employee aabout how to how to carry out the tasks. I chose the answer as on job training based on what I read in knowledgemaverick & wikipedia. I got the answer wrong. The correct answer mentioned was reverse shadowing which didn't match with what I read in knowledgemaverick & wikipedia .

I also thank you for sharing the article of GE which is posted on PMI site in this context.
5 years 1 month ago #17730

Joe Pang

Joe Pang's Avatar

Hi Ashvini,

Gotcha, I think I will go with the definition by knowledgemaverick and wikipedia, because it is the definition PMI agrees on:

The idea of “reverse mentoring” has been talked about since the late 1990s by GE CEO Jack Welch, when
he asked GE executives to pair with people below them to learn how to use the Internet. The younger
generation brings knowledge and comfort with technology, having been exposed to various digital aspects
since birth. This generation is entering the workplace with a better grasp of a key business tool than more
senior workers.

PMI article

Hope this helps,
5 years 1 month ago #17726

Ashvini K. Chhabra

Ashvini K. Chhabra's Avatar

Hi Joe,
Reverse shadowing is mentioned on page 103 of PMBOK 6
5 years 1 month ago #17722

Joe Pang

Joe Pang's Avatar

Hi Ashvini, I tried to look the term up in PMBOK 6 but couldn't find it, can you let me know which page I can find it?
5 years 1 month ago #17663

Ashvini K. Chhabra

Ashvini K. Chhabra's Avatar

In the Integration management chapter of PMBOK 6, reverse shadowing term is mentioned under manage project knowledge but it is not defined . I searched on google . I found that on URL like knowledgemaverick.com , it is mentioned that when a junior employee trains the senior employees about the new trends or the systems. In wikipedia, it is mentioned as reverse mentoring & its definition almost matches. However, I was informed that reverse shadowing means when junior employee is watched & guided by senior employee while carrying out the tasks which is opposite of work shadowing. Please share your inputs.

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