I am Italian but I chose to do the exam in English. I have just passed with above target in all domains at the first attempt. I did it in a test center. I attended a course preparation in Italian but then I studied the material (PMBOK, ect.) in English. The reason behind this is because, my English is not that bad while the translation of the exam's questions is horrible! I bought the exam simulator, after screening few choices, I am very glad of that choice. I fully recommend the simulator. It helped me to understand much much better the topics. I scored high in all exam simulation (above 80%) at first attempt, but I was reviewing all the uncorrect questions, and also all the ones that I "guessed" based on my feelings, also viewing the reference at the bottom of the examplanation (always going back to PMBOK to have a look). I read carefully the uncorrect answers, and the correct one (of course). Maybe I can say that i studied too much

I did also trial timing tests (random, by domain, by KA) at least 60 questions per day. The course ended beginning of June, I did the exam today, in these 2 months I spent at least 2/3 hours a day studying. Some of the exam questions are easier than the one on the simulator, 65-75% Agile & Hybrid, in any question you are always in doubt between 2 answers, I did 1 calculation only (decision tree EVM), few drag and drops (more or less 5 questions...for me they were very easy). I did only 1 break, of less than 5 minutes, I completed the test 5 minutes in advance. THE SIMULATOR IS FANTASTIC! I TRULY SUGGEST TO BUY IT. ciao