Category: Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam using A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)

Ultimate Reason to Use a PMP® Exam Simulation Software

explaining why to use pmp exam simulation softwareOne great reason to use a PMP® Exam Simulation Software is to simulate exam conditions. Simulating exam conditions includes answering the number of required questions within the given time period. For the PMP® Exam that is 200 questions within four hours which equates to needing to answer one question every 1.2 minutes. Just thinking about that can be stressful, so why not practice taking full length timed exams in the comfort of your own home or the location of your choice?

PMP Exam Simulation Software provides you with the opportunity to practice reading, analyzing, and answering 200 PMP® type questions within a four hour period. Truly a great way to prepare for PMP exam.

To take simulating exam conditions up another level you can also place yourself in an exam like environment. The environment would need to be quiet (no cell phone or TV) and in an area where you will not have any interruptions. Add in a PMP® Exam Simulator and you are well on your way to simulating exam conditions. Preparing for PMP Exam under simulated conditions should help calm your nerves for the actual exam. Fewer nerves or stress during the exam will provide you with not only a better chance at passing the PMP® Exam but also an opportunity to do your best.

Despite all the studying you 've done for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam you may be nervous about taking the test. Here we break down how PMP sample questions and PMP Exam Simulators can help test your knowledge and prepare you for the big day and receive your PMP certification. Watch this video:

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
