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Searched for: Partner
20 Feb 2024 18:46
  • D M
  • D M's Avatar
I have just started studying for the PMP exam. I have the PMP Precast Lessons and I'm working through it. If anyone wants to start a study group to help with accountability let me know. :)
14 Dec 2023 17:31
  • Jennifer Thomas
  • Jennifer Thomas's Avatar
I see that this thread is old but I am currently looking and not much is popping up that's current. Can anyone assist with a current 2023/2024 study group?
15 Nov 2023 15:35
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous's Avatar
Hello Anna, I'm Mohana from Mississauga. I'm preparing for PMP too
10 Oct 2023 11:33
  • Rolando Melendez
  • Rolando Melendez's Avatar
Good morning!

I’m available to study together. I will request my exam to be taken in December. Let me know if you are available in weeks, days, or weekends. I speak Spanish. If you understand, it is a good idea to share our struggling concepts or formulas.
10 Oct 2023 11:02
  • Rafael Hoyos
  • Rafael Hoyos's Avatar

Wondering if there is anyone interested in studying for the exam with me. Having a study partner is extremely helpful. Please let me know if anyone is interested.


06 Oct 2023 20:26
  • Rafael Hoyos
  • Rafael Hoyos's Avatar
Hi. I am re-taking the exam on November 17th. I took it in August after a boot camp offered by my company, and since rescheduling it (now that I have more time to study) I have been studying my butt off.
I think having a study partner helps a lot, and it is def. one of the best ways to study material like this. What do you suggest? I am studying almost daily for 3-4 hours. Having a study plan is very important; you do not want to be wasting time here. Perhaps I can share the timeboxed (calendar) schedule that we followed in the BootCamp so you can tell me what you think.

28 Sep 2023 07:43
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous's Avatar
Bonjour, je suis intéressé à être partenaires d'étude, car je viens de commencer à me préparer à la certification PMP, mais j'apprends en français, si tu es partant ok
28 Sep 2023 01:01
  • Study Partner/Group?
  • Study Partner/Group?'s Avatar
Hello, I just signed up for the PMP exam in December. I'm looking to gauge interest if anyone would want to join me as a study partner or group? It would be virtual not in person. Let me know, thanks!
25 Sep 2023 18:24
  • Dominic Hickey
  • Dominic Hickey's Avatar
When I saw the OP's message I was thinking of that, too, Harry. But unless Hassan took his exam in the last fourteen hours, the security enhancements likely don't apply.

In PMI's document on the subject
they state only that implementation was starting "on Monday, 25 September 2023 (EST)", so we don't know what time it went live.

It's an interesting change, nonetheless. Even before this, I would have avoided taking a Pearson VUE exam online, due to the all the stories we read in these Forums of candidates having sessions closed by proctors for no apparent reason. While some will not have been innocent -- and therefore deserve everything they get in punishment IMO -- there are bound to be false accusations generated by an automated system. Now, if such innocent candidates are forced to retake entirely at their own expense... that's unjust. Yet another reason to take an exam in a testing centre if at all possible.
Displaying 1 - 9 out of 9 results.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
