Passed my PMP exam today with 3 Ps and 2 MPs!
Studied for 6 months, altogether clocked ~200h of studies, more than half of those - within the last month.
The typical per cent I got on mock exams was 68-77% which made me doubt whether I should reschedule my exam.
I can see now that for me mock exams were more as study tools (the most excellent tool!) I used to identify and close knowledge gaps.
Firstly, I was always speeding through mock exams, typically finishing 200 questions test in ~2:30h - either I knew the answer straight away or didn't and even then didn't think too much. Almost never marked questions or seriously reviewed answers before finishing tests. As a result, there were usually ~3-5 mistakes due to inattention (which statement is not true vs which statement is true etc) plus another ~5-8 which if I applied myself 100% I would've answered differently. In real test I was much more focused, thorough and invested more time in every question. Marked ~15 questions for review, changed answers to about half of those. In my last 30 minutes of test scrolled through all questions one last time and changed ~3 answers.
Secondly, English is neither my first nor everyday/work language. Typically in 200 question test there would be ~3-5 questions where I was not 100% sure I understood the right meaning of one or more words.
So, that is my experience. In spite of the golden "you should get 80-90% on your mock exams" rule with my 77% "personal best" I felt confident and stable during the real thing today and passed!