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11 years 14 hours ago #3288

Anne Booc

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How many PDUs can I earn for reading a book?

Reading books is not only an easy and convenient way for us project managers to learn about the latest trends, concepts and technologies in project management, it is also a great way for PMPs to earn Professional Development Units (PDUs).

As a reminder: Each PMP certified project manager has to earn 60 PDUs every 3 years in order to recertify their credential. PDUs can be earned in 6 categories.

The PDUs that you earn for reading books fall into Category C “Self-Directed Learning”. In this category you can also earn PDUs for reading articles or instructional manuals, watching videos, Podcasts or other source material, and even having formal discussions or being coached by a colleague, coworker or consultant.

Each hour that you spend reading books earns you 1 PDU up to a maximum of 30 PDUs. Of course, the book has to be related to project management. You cannot read “War and Peace” and then claim 30 PDUs. I also recommend that you keep a reading logfile. This can be a simple, handwritten list on which you note the books you were reading and how many hours you spent reading on which date.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
