Category: PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam

Free PMI-ACP® Exam Sample Question 47

When an Agile project team member is not 100% dedicated to one project, they are referred to as?

A) Practically Assigned
B) Minimally Assigned
C) Partially Assigned
D) Fractionally Assigned

HINT: In this scenario, the Agile project team member's time is not 'fully' assigned to one project.

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Correct Answer: D

If the time an Agile project team member has available is not 100% fully dedicated to one project, then the team member is said to be fractionally assigned. Fractional Assignment is particularly common in organizations where an individual is assigned to one or more projects simultaneously. This makes it extremely difficult for the individual to focus and achieve their maximum productivity on either project, and is not considered an Agile Project Management best practice.

Reference: The Art of Agile Development, James Shore, 2007

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