Category: PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam

Free PMI-ACP® Exam Sample Question 71

A product owner and the scrum team members are conducting their first sprint planning meeting. The user stories are read to the team, and the team members have provided estimates to complete these user stories. As the team proceeds to develop the user stories during the sprint, what should the product owner do?

A. Add more features for the team to develop so they can deliver more value
B. Let the team work and answer any questions that might arise during this sprint
C. Shield the team from interruptions and facilitate discussions for the team members
D. Extend the sprint's length if it appears the team cannot complete the work on time

HINT: Both sides are agreeing and committing to something specific.

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Correct Answer: B

Answer and Explanations:

Answer A: Incorrect. Adding more work for the team to complete within the sprint violates the implied agreement between the development team and the product owner.

Answer B: Correct. Letting the team work and answering any questions that might arise during the sprint reflects the commitment that the developers and the product owner have made.

Answer C: Incorrect. Shielding the team from interruptions and facilitating team discussions is among the responsibilities of the scrum master, not the product owner.

Answer D: Incorrect. Sprint length is set at the beginning of the project and typically does not change. Any work items that cannot be completed by the team during the sprint should be returned to the product backlog and rescheduled for the upcoming sprints.

Exam Reference: Agile Practice Guide, Project Management Institute Inc., 2017, Page(s) 41; see alsoAgile Game Development with Scrum, Clinton Keith, 2010


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