Project Management Professional (PMP)® Student Profiles:

Student Profile: Ivan Fućak, PMP

ivanI am a 30 year old project manager at a small IT company called RRC in Slovenia. I was born in Rijeka, Croatia, and moved to Slovenia to finish the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in Ljubljana. I’ve started to develop my managerial capabilities in student days by the establishment and running of the society for Croatian students in Slovenia. Within my 6 years of work experience, I’ve moved from managing smaller projects to the bigger ones.

I would recommend young project managers to start reading and using knowledge from PMP as soon as possible in their career and also plan their certification path.

Students should try to solve many test exams because this is the best way to prepare for the exam tricks and to boost confidence for the exam.

It is also very important that you rest before your exam so you can use maximum of your capabilities.

I had no surprises in the last week of my studies – all the agile plans I made obviously did not disappoint me at the end of my study.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
