Dear Future PMPS -
I have received few questions about the ‘dump sheet’ that I shared in this with this message.Here is some explanation. Please feel free to post your comments if you need further explanation.
This approach is very much useful for those who are already planning to remember Page 43 of PMBOK. If you are NOT planning to remember Page 43 of PMBOK, please do not waste your time to understand my approach. Let me get to my approach without much waste of time.
As part of my PMP preparation, I realized that, one of challenging areas for me was to remember the common ITTOs. I didn’t have problem remembering distinct ITTOs which are very unique to its process.
Did you realize that following are very common ITTO?
C- Change Requests ,D-Project Documents Updates (Output),E –EEF (Input),O – OPA (Input) ,P – Project management plan updates , Ue – EEF Updates , Uo – OPA Updates ,X – Expert judgment
Now, Can you remember CDOPUo?
Ok, now take a look page 43 and write down ‘CDOPUO’ in Control Scope, Control Cost, Control Schedule, Quality Control. You will be surprised to know that, for all these process groups, CDOPUo represents common inputs, tools and outputs. .
Just remembering one phrase of CDOPUo, you mastered the common ITTos for 4 Knowledge areas.
How about CDEPOX?.
You place CDEPOX in Direct and Execution, Monitor and Control and Integrated Change Control. (As an exception, change request is Input for Integrated Change Control instead of Output).
Do you feel good now?. Just remembering two phrases, you remember as many as 40 ITTOS.
Here is an example of using EOX::
In similar way, if you see 'Develop Project Charter' process, you would notice EOX. This means EEFs and OPAs are input and Expert judgement is the tool. The same combination is repeated in 'Identify stake holders' and 'develop project plan'. Remember, these are very common inputs and outputs. You may not have problem remembering very distinctive inputs/outputs.
Good Luck, You can Do it.
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