I spent 1 week completing the PMP course to get the required 35 hours, but a course doesn't help a lot with test prep; practice serves to pass the exam. PrepCast is a great tool and the only tool you need to pass the exam.
I spent 11 days (meanwhile, full-time work) preparing for the PMP exam with PreCast and passed the exam with AT/AT/AT. Here is what I did with PreCast and I believe you can easily pass it if following what I did.
Step 1. Use the Premium Quizzes
Choose Timed quiz mode. I don't recommend learning mode because time is valuable. Do every question under time pressure does no harm. You'll have time to review answers and explanations later.
Choose 10 or 20 questions each time. If you don't always have time for 20 questions, then go with 10 whenever you have a 10 min break.
Go through each knowledge area and domain one by one. If you don't get 70% correct in any of the areas/domains, carefully review what you did wrong, run the quiz again. If you fail again, then review incorrect questions, run the quiz again. You're good for an exam until you get all the areas/domains 70% correct or better.
You don't need to include the ITTO exam because it doesn't help. I assure you that the exam questions are all case studies, never anything similar to the ITTO exam questions.
You don't want to include exam questions because you'll need to test yourself with exams.
Step 2. Do Exam questions.
Once you get all the areas/domains 70% correct or better, run several quizzes again with "include only questions I answered incorrectly" to review your progress.
Now it's time to do PMP Exam 1. Do it in a quiet room without interruptions. It'll take about 3.5 - 4 hours. If you fail the exam, review the questions you did incorrectly, check what areas/domains you did less than 70% correct, go back to Step 1, and run the quizzes for those specific areas. Once you get the quizzes with these areas passed, do PMP Exam 2. Again, if you fail, review incorrect questions, go back to quizzes to practice your weak points, then do PMP Exam 3 until you pass one Exam.
Once you pass 1 Exam, then directly do a second exam. If you pass two exams in a roll, you're 100% ready for the exam. Don't waste any time practicing, just sit for the exam ASAP.
Say, if pass PMP exam 1 and then PMP exam 2, then you should sit for the PMP exam the day after you passed PMP exam 2.
Similarly, you may fail PMP exam 1, then pass PMP exams 2 and 3, you're good to go.
If you fail PMP exams 1 and 2, then pass 3, you're good to go. It's your choice to do the PMP exam 4 or not. I recommend you skipping exam 4.
If you fail PMP exams 1, 2, and 3, then pass 4, trust me, you're good to go.
What if you fail all the PMP exams?? You won't!! Practice makes perfect is the truth that applies to everybody.
Here is my logic for this preparation.
Parkinson's Law: Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
So push yourself and get it done fast.
Hope this helps.
Jiajun 'Francis'