
Reply: ITTO Question and Scores

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Topic History of : ITTO Question and Scores

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6 months 2 weeks ago #30993


EM07's Avatar

Thanks for your follow - up appreciate the insight on this post.
7 months 1 day ago #30955

Daniel Soerensen

Daniel Soerensen's Avatar


I'm sure you will do great on the exam. Sending you lots of positive energy. Remember to stay focused, don't panic, and don't think too hard about the answers. If you feel stuck, move on and come back to the question later. Take the breaks in between for some deep breathing, drink some water, stretch your arms a little, etc. You can do this! Looking forward to reading your experience post after the exam.

All the best,
7 months 1 day ago #30954

Daniel Soerensen

Daniel Soerensen's Avatar

Hi Dominika,

I don't think there is an official date for PMI to stop asking ITTO questions and I'm sure there will never be one. After seeing the shift in the PMBOK guide 7th edition compared to the 6th edition, and what's in the most recent exam content outline, it is safe to assume that you will not get direct ITTO questions on the exam. I have yet to come across a student that was asked direct ITTO questions. I think you should be familiar with the process laid out in PMBOK guide 6th edition and the ITTOs, but I would not spend time trying to memorize them. Personally, I would not focus too much on ITTOs. Hope this helps.

All the best,
7 months 5 days ago #30946

You are right, Daniel

's Avatar

You are right, Daniel.

I started being tired about all this. I feel that I am forgetting things already.

I think I will book my exam in the last 10 days.

Thanks a lot
7 months 5 days ago #30941

Dominika Ratajska

Dominika Ratajska's Avatar

Hello Daniel,

I see that 5th prep exam contains the information that PMI resigns from ITTOs questions, so it suggests we shouldn't focus on them. As the you mentioned is end of December - is it an officaial date of PMI to stop asking ITTO questions? I have my exam scheduled at 2nd December, so I am thinking if I should have my focus on it or totally not :)

Thank you in advance,
7 months 2 weeks ago #30913

Daniel Soerensen

Daniel Soerensen's Avatar

Hello Fabio,

Based on everything you laid out and the results you obtained, I would say that you are definitely ready for the exam. My take is you can continue to read and learn more, but you would be over preparing and your brain will be saturated from all the knowledge. This might lead to fatigue and not being able to recall the important topics for the exam. Having said that, only you are able to assess your readiness confidence level. All the best! Let us know how it goes.


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